The Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano is worth a visit not only for its interiors: one of the highlights of this place is the large park that surrounds it, about 9 hectares wide and consisting of two main sectors: the garden and the forest. The lunette painted by Giusto Utens in 1599 is the main testimony of how the park of the villa must have looked in its original form, or how it was conceived by the architect Niccolò Tribolo: a vineyard and an orchard on the left, an Italian garden on the right, on the back fir groves, vegetable gardens and orchards. Today there is no longer the orchards, largely replaced by woods, while the Italian garden is still there, to which a central fountain has been added. The neoclassical lemon house at the edge of the garden is a great nineteenth-century change: the cultivation of Tuscan lemons started there, with the practice of keeping them in large pots to be able to move them, during the winter, inside the lemon house. Some statues decorate the park of the villa, the most famous of which is the terracotta one representing the legend of Ambra and Ombrone.
43.816580°, 11.055352°
Closed every Monday
Visite accompagnate della durata di un'ora circa con ingresso ogni ora dalle 8.30 alle 15.30.
Non si effettua la visita delle ore 13.30.
Gli Appartamenti e il Museo sono visitabili separatamente.
Nel caso di visite consecutive si dovranno prenotare prima gli Appartamenti e a seguire il Museo.
Parco: 8.15 - 17.00 (ultimo ingresso ore 16.30)
Ingresso al parco senza prenotazione.
Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria da effettuare entro il giorno precedente; massimo 10 persone a visita.
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