Located under Mount Gabberi at 580 meters above sea level, the Roccia dei Pennati overlooks the town of Greppolungo. It is a large limestone boulder identified by the Camaiore Archaeological Group and already examined by the Archaeological Superintendence of Tuscany, slightly elevated, sub-circular in shape (about 5.20 meters) and manually smoothed (see photo on the right). The Roccia has various engravings depicting different pennati, as well as various engravings made with the hammer technique.
The pennato or billhook (falx arboraria) is an ancient work tool of woodcutters (present from the late Bronze Age, 1200 - 1100 BC) and is made up of a short handle or hilt and a wide blade, 30/40 cm long, with the tip curved forward. Also used as an offensive weapon, pennato were probably associated with the God of the woods Silvanus (Selvans in Etruscan, Silvanus in Latin), represented as a bearded character with a pennato in his hand, and were in common use among the populations of the Apuan Ligurians who also stationed on the Camaiore mountains. The term 'pennato' itself seems to derive from the root Pen-, with the ancient meaning of 'mountain': from here Appenninus, Penna, Pania would come.
pennato-con-monetinaIMG2306The engravings of Greppolungo are 15, among which there are 12 pennati (see photo on the sides), a mallet, a cup and a rectangular basin, in addition to other signs not easily identifiable. Their consumption demonstrates a notable antiquity: on the contrary, the more recent ones seem to be highlighted by a deeper engraving.
To date, in the Apuan Alps, approximately 500 pennati engravings have been recorded, mostly made on limestone and generally located on hills and rocks in a dominant and panoramic position - these were probably places with a cult function. The dating of these engravings remains uncertain and covers a very wide chronological span, which reaches even the most recent eras. In addition to pennati, other symbols are often depicted, such as crosses, which would attest to the Christianization of the territory and probably had the purpose of exorcising the previous pagan ritual of the Apuan Ligurians.
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