Leonardo's baptism - Santa Croce Church - Vinci (FI) - QualcosaDaFare.it

'Leonardo's baptism' is a 2010 work by the artist Cecco Bonanotte and it is about the story of salvation. Refined and chromatically sensitive, this pictorial cycle is placed on the walls of the baptistery.

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Via Giorgio La Pira, 9


43.787167°, 10.926783°



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The church of Santa Croce was considered the church of the castle and from its origins it depended on the parish church of Sant'Ansano di Greti. Inside the church there is a beautiful baptismal font in an evocative setting designed by Ugo Giulio Arata on the occasion of Leonardo's celebrations in 1952. The story tells us that Leonardo da Vinci was baptized in this very church, the parish church of his family's place of residence.

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Via Giorgio La Pira, 9


43.787167°, 10.926783°



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A journey to discover Leonardo da Vinci cannot be limited to visiting the geographical places where he was born, where he worked and where his works are kept. The tour must provide the opportunity to explore the landscapes, the historical and cultural elements that inspired it. The fifteenth-century fountain where he was baptized in the church of Santa Croce is also worth seeing. In the heart of the village, the thirteenth-century church that now has neo-Renaissance architectural features, is the place of Leonardo's baptism. In the small baptistery there is still the fifteenth-century font where it is believed that on April 16, 1452 the parish priest Piero di Bartolomeo Cecchi gave the sacrament to Leonardo. A plaque commemorates the event with the words that grandfather Antonio Da Vinci wrote in his register... The note shows some data of the happy event:  'Nachue un mio nipote, figliuolo di ser Piero mio figliuolo a dì 15 d'aprile in sabato, a ore 3 di notte. Ebbe nome Lionardo. Batezollo prete Piero di Bartolomeo da Vinci, […]' ('My nephew, my son sir Piero's son, was born on the 15th of April, on Saturday, at 3 am. He got the name Leonardo. He was baptized by the priest Piero di Bartolomeo da Vinci').

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Via Giorgio La Pira, 9


43.787167°, 10.926783°



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