Leonardo Library - Vinci (FI) - QualcosaDaFare.it

The Leonardo Library, housed inside the Conti Guidi castle, is mainly dedicated to the fruition of the work of Leonardo da Vinci. The library was born, in fact, with Gustavo Uzielli, one of the major Leonardo academics of the second half of the nineteenth century. Over time it has become one of the most important centers for Leonardo's studies with its collections that have a heritage of over 13,000 pieces. It includes the editions of all of Leonardo's printed works starting from 1651, facsimile reproductions of manuscripts and drawings as well as a section of sources, texts and specialized periodicals. The complete collection of Leonardo's work is now available digitally thanks to the E-Leo project. The digital archive was created with the purpose of preserving the documentary material and offering a technologically advanced tool for getting to know Leonardo's work.

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Via Giorgio la Pira, 1


43.787580°, 10.926770°



Closed every Sunday

15:00 - 19:00


Centro di ricerca e documentazione per gli studi leonardiani

Phone 0571933250

Fax 0571567976

E-Mail bibliotecaleonardiana@comune.vinci.fi.it



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